Switching to Godot

I hereby announce that I'm switching to Godot instead of Unity.

After the crisis happening right now in Unity (that is the merging of an adware creator company, IronSource, and also ad monetization rumor between mobile developers and the CEO), It's better to leave unity to be now included in its current state. From now on, the project will be reworked and transferred to a Godot Project and might take time to finish what I just currently did on v0.1.2. Please note that I DO NOT hate Unity for this kind of crisis. I would rather be an 'idiot' than a money-craving game developer.

ManggoLand Revamped v0.0.1gdt will be released soon. Don't worry, ManggoLand Revamped is still in development after the switching.

To know all about Unity's Decline, read this post: https://www.protocol.com/newsletters/entertainment/unity-backlash-game-developer...

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